Tuesday 8 March 2016

The farmer's sprout!!!!!

Hmmm...... Hallelujah!!!! Growth as I think more about it I get more inspired to write about it. Growth is an essential thing. As we all know we all must grow. its a natural thing to grow. no one desires to remain in a certain position, we all want to leave the level we are now and go higher.. Amen?!. As a child I thought of growing up, what I will become and where I will be. that is too say even children desire to grow. A farmer earnestly wants to see his seed grow and produce fruit. Moving straight to the point all I want to say is be it spiritually, physically or financially everybody wants to grow in all areas. So as you desire and yearn to grow physically and financially that is how we should yearn to grow spiritually. Just like a farmer loves to see his crops grow and produce fruit is the same way God is happy when we grow and produce fruit another example is the happiness and joy our parents get when they see we've grown and we are prospering is the same way God feels when He sees we are growing. There's a saying "when I was a child I thought like a child" let me complete this statement by saying now that am an adult I should think like one not like a child anymore.

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