Thursday 7 January 2016

"God is ready whenever you are ready"

Walking home on this beautiful sunny day thinking to myself, I wondered why I hadn't grown in certain areas of my life, kept asking myself questions I really had no answers to, why it seemed like I was in a particular spot for as long as I could remember, why growth was taking forever to take place in those areas, in my state of confusion and dilemma the HolySpirit dropped this in my heart “God is ready whenever you are ready”.

At this point, I thought I got the answers to all my questions only to realize that I was even more confused than I was, I didn't know what HE meant, But as I began to MEDITATE,

Behold, He explained to me how I have lived in and with the wrong mentality.
Many of us say, " it's not their life, it's Mine so I could as well do what I want with it" but fail to realize that the moment we submit ourselves to the lordship of JESUS, this life no longer belongs to us, but God. (Gal 2:20).

The moment you renew your mind with this truth, Your heart becomes fertile for Growth. (Rom 12:2) 

“God is ready whenever you are ready”

To move to Greater heights with God you have to EARNESTLY Desire God.
1Pt 2:2 says ".....desire the sincere milk that ye may GROW thereby..."

WE all have something we desire, some of us desire to have a relationship with God,hear from him like we hear from our Pastors and Leaders , personally walk with Him, Experience God on a whole new Level.

I would like to take us to the difference between "Desire" and "Earnestly desire".

I searched the word “Earnest” it means serious in intention,purpose, or effort; showing depth and sincerity of feeling, demanding serious attention.
In other words, desire could end as just A wish or Fantasy, but when you Earnestly Desire, you don't stop until it's actualized cause you diligently work towards its Actualization.

Have you ever earnestly desired a promotion, excellent grades and you worked so hard to achieve that goal, that's the same way we should earnestly desire a relationship with God, work for it, be sincere about it, give attention to it.

Don't stop at Merely Desiring, Shift to Earnestly Desiring. "WORK". Work towards your growth in fellowship with God this year and remember God is always ready, he is always there, right in front of the door of our hearts knocking waiting for us to open, he wants to be part of you today, he is not too far away but in a close range,he is as close as the air you breathe, he wants you to reach out to him today and the good news is that he is always ready whenever you are, he doesn't work in seasons.

Just start your growth process today by making The decision and you would see that change you are looking forward to, don't just merely desire when you can Earnestly desire. Do not keep in for too long, why not make that decision right now.

Stay Blessed 




  1. Thats exactly what it
    is my sistet, go hungry for God every minutes of ur life, go hungry for his words, thirst for the Lord ur God..Thanks for the awareness

  2. Thats exactly what it
    is my sistet, go hungry for God every minutes of ur life, go hungry for his words, thirst for the Lord ur God..Thanks for the awareness

    1. Thanks dear, I pray for the grace to earnestly desire

  3. Keep up the great Work. it is actually the magnitude of our desire for God that determines the revelations of Divine mysteries we unravel. Blessed are those that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.

  4. truth is brought it home. Keep talking, I am listening.
