Tuesday 8 March 2016

The farmer's sprout!!!!!

Hmmm...... Hallelujah!!!! Growth as I think more about it I get more inspired to write about it. Growth is an essential thing. As we all know we all must grow. its a natural thing to grow. no one desires to remain in a certain position, we all want to leave the level we are now and go higher.. Amen?!. As a child I thought of growing up, what I will become and where I will be. that is too say even children desire to grow. A farmer earnestly wants to see his seed grow and produce fruit. Moving straight to the point all I want to say is be it spiritually, physically or financially everybody wants to grow in all areas. So as you desire and yearn to grow physically and financially that is how we should yearn to grow spiritually. Just like a farmer loves to see his crops grow and produce fruit is the same way God is happy when we grow and produce fruit another example is the happiness and joy our parents get when they see we've grown and we are prospering is the same way God feels when He sees we are growing. There's a saying "when I was a child I thought like a child" let me complete this statement by saying now that am an adult I should think like one not like a child anymore.

Thursday 7 January 2016

"God is ready whenever you are ready"

Walking home on this beautiful sunny day thinking to myself, I wondered why I hadn't grown in certain areas of my life, kept asking myself questions I really had no answers to, why it seemed like I was in a particular spot for as long as I could remember, why growth was taking forever to take place in those areas, in my state of confusion and dilemma the HolySpirit dropped this in my heart “God is ready whenever you are ready”.

At this point, I thought I got the answers to all my questions only to realize that I was even more confused than I was, I didn't know what HE meant, But as I began to MEDITATE,

Behold, He explained to me how I have lived in and with the wrong mentality.
Many of us say, " it's not their life, it's Mine so I could as well do what I want with it" but fail to realize that the moment we submit ourselves to the lordship of JESUS, this life no longer belongs to us, but God. (Gal 2:20).

The moment you renew your mind with this truth, Your heart becomes fertile for Growth. (Rom 12:2) 

“God is ready whenever you are ready”

To move to Greater heights with God you have to EARNESTLY Desire God.
1Pt 2:2 says ".....desire the sincere milk that ye may GROW thereby..."

WE all have something we desire, some of us desire to have a relationship with God,hear from him like we hear from our Pastors and Leaders , personally walk with Him, Experience God on a whole new Level.

I would like to take us to the difference between "Desire" and "Earnestly desire".

I searched the word “Earnest” it means serious in intention,purpose, or effort; showing depth and sincerity of feeling, demanding serious attention.
In other words, desire could end as just A wish or Fantasy, but when you Earnestly Desire, you don't stop until it's actualized cause you diligently work towards its Actualization.

Have you ever earnestly desired a promotion, excellent grades and you worked so hard to achieve that goal, that's the same way we should earnestly desire a relationship with God, work for it, be sincere about it, give attention to it.

Don't stop at Merely Desiring, Shift to Earnestly Desiring. "WORK". Work towards your growth in fellowship with God this year and remember God is always ready, he is always there, right in front of the door of our hearts knocking waiting for us to open, he wants to be part of you today, he is not too far away but in a close range,he is as close as the air you breathe, he wants you to reach out to him today and the good news is that he is always ready whenever you are, he doesn't work in seasons.

Just start your growth process today by making The decision and you would see that change you are looking forward to, don't just merely desire when you can Earnestly desire. Do not keep in for too long, why not make that decision right now.

Stay Blessed 



Tuesday 5 January 2016

Have you Found it?

I found this amazing article written by a friend Adeyera Adebiyi and  I found myself asking questions like have I really found it,I would love to share this with you today cos it's a good story which reflects on  the journey of self discovery  

Have You Found It?
  So, that was how I travelled down to Ilesha (a town in Nigeria) in preparation for my professional exam.  My grandparents live in Ilesha but little did I know that it would become a learning place for me over the next few days. Ilesha became more than just a place that hosted my grandparents.  Although this was not my first time visiting the place but this visit was kind of special and spectacular in a way. My grandparents have spent quite a good number of years to wear the befitting crown of Grand so they employed the service of a housemaid to assist in doing all the house chores. This housemaid was to resume work by 7am in the morning and was expected to close by 6pm daily. You might be wondering why am talking about this housemaid please just hold on and follow me on this little journey.
     My grandparent’s  helping hand, after the day's job collects a daily pay of #200. Yes #200. Don't be surprised that's how I saw it too. I can't imagine my little sister who is still in secondary school surviving on #200 daily. You know the thing about we Nigerians is that we always complain and yet never take any action to solve our problem. This elderly woman would complain everyday about she working herself out, she would even get angry and threaten not to come to work the next day. On the first day of my arrival i took her words of not coming to work the following day serious. A few minutes before seven the next morning, I heard frustrated and tired knocks on the gate. She was there knocking ready to resume for work that was when it became clear to me that the hustle was real. She resumes work for the day working and complaining again not to come the next day. Her constant complaints and recurrent change became no surprise, but along  the line I got to understand that if she leaves the job a lot of people are willing and ready to get the job so she is left with no choice than to "suffer and smile" (Fela's quote).
      Now, here is the thing we all live everyday of our lives trying to survive, trying to make ends meet but we've never for once stopped and ask ourselves "What on earth am I here for?". This woman's  lifestyle touched me and got me wondering how we are all carried away by survival instincts and we refuse to exploit and develop our real selves. Most of us find ourselves doing stuff we don't like and yet don't take any action on how to improve ourselves. I'm guilty of this but thanks to this woman I now have a better understanding. The Almighty, in his infinite goodness and love plants within our seeds great potentials and if left undiscovered might die with us fallow without been utilized.
     Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I love writing and reading articles especially that of my mentor Shola Oshunkeye( CNN African journalist of the year 2006), Funke Egbemode (especially when she uses Koko and Kaka to drive home her point) and that of  dolapospeaks.blogspot.com (my latest favorite) My handwriting should discourage me to write or read but i find  myself thinking out loud knowledge which isn't anytime i pick up a pen. After graduating from secondary school I decided to use my Facebook post as a platform to test my writing skills. I started by writing articles about my days in secondary school. The comments I got were quite encouraging and even had people correct my mistakes. It's a long way to achieving this purpose but I absolutely like this road.
       Most of us find ourselves doing things that do  not bring joy but because of the monetary gains we don't stop. I'm not saying you should quit your jobs or whatever it is you are doing now. All am just trying to say is that we need a little break and go on a journey of self discovery. Take a break and some time to analyze your purpose. What is it that you find yourself doing that gives you joy? Things that you could do for free yet still be happy and glad you did. The greatest achievement a man can ever have is to find his/her purpose. Once you know that which you were created for all other things fall in place like he promised even though the road might be rough. Some of us have great talents which we have ceased to explore and if we not careful might die with us. Am not saying after finding your purpose you should just go and sit down and expect success to come rather after finding your purpose you should set out and begin your journey to success. Whatever your calling is you cannot know if you live everyday of your life trying to survive. The only way you can discover your purpose is to reflect on your life,, look at things you enjoy doing and look for a way to make a wonderful living out of it.