Thursday 24 December 2015

The True Essence of Christmas

What is your response to the word of God?

In the book of of Luke 1:26-38 we see how the angel visited Mary and gave her the news about her conceiving as a virgin.
The amazing thing about this Bible passage is her response at the end in verse 38 “I am the lord’s servant said Mary,may it happen to me as you have said”
She didn't hesitate,neither did she argue nor complain,worry or give any suggestions.
That's what some of us Christians lack today,when God puts something in our hearts to do or tells us to do something, we question, give suggestions on what we think it should be, Mary is good example to us this season, she only believed the word of God through the Angel, she just believed the word in verse 37 “for there's nothing that God cannot do” 
This season God would put something in our hearts to do, while some of us he has already, it can be as small as giving something away or starting something new,whatever it is just obey, don't complain or give suggestions on what you think it should be, just sit back, relax,and watch God Birth something great out of you this season and I want us to remember this “God intending to use us is a Blessing to us” when persecutions come what do we do,what extent do we go in order to make the dream of God come through and it's not just being obedient in the beginning but our obedience throughout the whole process, God doesn't start what he cannot finish, God wants to see us to the end. Our ability to be obedient through the process is where the fulfillment lies.
We are celebrating because someone decided to trust God,someone kept herself, sacrificed, didn't give up even when the persecutions came.
As God used Mary, he also wants to use us today. As you celebrate this season  be sensitive to his words and yield to his word.
Merry Christmas 

Friday 30 October 2015

Christian Growth

Growth from my own understanding is a season of events that takes place over a short period of time. 
Growth doesn't only relate to the physical It's also aligned spiritually
How will you feel if ur baby doesn't grow, obviously you'd be sad. That's how God feels when we don't grow. Change is the key to growth and since growth has been declared a blessing. It's a different level.
It's funny how we Christians act like babies when it comes to spiritual things. come on!! we don't live that life anymore we live a new life which God has given to us. The bible didn't say a patched up life or a repaired or a second hand life, it clearly stated "A NEW LIFE". Wow!! so I have a brand new, life why act the same, why think the same. Am not about that life anymore. say to yourself "ain't nobody got time for that". It's  time to grow. Never get satisfied with where you are spiritually, there's Grace for More. The bible tells us we have been made in the likeness of God and how great our God is. He is incomparable you just can't imagine it, that's how we should yearn to grow, that's how we should be eager to grow because we've been made to function like him. We must represent him in everything we do, infact let people see us and say that's Little Jesus. The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch!! You know why?? It's because they behaved like Christ. You have that ability and power on the inside of you do not be scared to unleash it. 
Everytime I wake up in the morning or when my mind is less busy thinking you know this song always comes to me "you are all I want all I ever needed draw me close to you" children of the Most High there's no point in our lives where we don't need God. We should always cry "God you're all I need" and really mean it. I don't think our lives have quality meaning. I have so much to write but I think I would just stop here from now but I really want to encourage all those that would be reading this at any point that don't stop growing keep growing always remember this there's always grace for more.My pastor gave me a book to read. its title alone is powerful it says Don't Stop Here and I want to encourage you to NOT STOP HERE... More grace is always available. 

Monday 2 February 2015

The potter's hands

Hi,Welcome to my blog

This blog was created to reach out to people all over the world near and far in an effort to provide the right kind of encouragement.
Trust me, sometimes all we need is someone we can relate to, someone who shares our views and sometimes someone who has experienced what we are going through.
There are times I feel down and discouraged but anytime I receive that special "Rhema", the food my soul and spirit has been longing for through listening to wise words or reading an article it relieves my burdened heart.
I hope you enjoy this blog and truly get inspired. May it open your heart and mind and feed your soul.
"Aspiring to inspire before I expire"